Toolbox w/sockets, screw drivers, hammer

Lot Number:48
Start Time:5/1/2024 5:00:00 AM
End Time:5/28/2024 11:19:40 PM
Bid Count:16
Winning Bidder:5****1
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$1.00
Current Bid:$16.00
Bidding complete

Toolbox w/sockets, screw drivers, hammer

There are no bids for the lot at this time

No donations for this lot

This auction will start to close @ 6pm Tuesday May 28th


Open House: Wednesday May 15th 3-6pm

POA Rick Sigrist 618-553-7129

This auction will start to close @ 6pm Tuesday May 28th

Real Estate starts to close @ 4pm and personal property starts to close @ 6pm

Open House: Wednesday May 15th 3-6pm

POA Rick Sigrist 618-553-7129

3.5% charge on credit and debit cards.

Zero charge for Cash, Check, and Cashier’s Check.

THIS IS AN INTERNET ONLY AUCTION: All items sell as is, where is with all faults or flaws. Items sell with no warranty stated or implied. Any trouble bidding please call the auction company.

DYNAMIC CLOSING: The auction will begin Tuesday May 28th.  An item will begin to close every 20 seconds.  The closing time will automatically extend an additional 2 minutes whenever a bid is placed within the last 2 minutes of the lot closing. Every 20 Seconds an item will begin to close. When there is a bid on an item it will extend for 2 minutes.

Pay and load it is Wednesday May 29th 1:00PM-5:30PM

2862 E. 650th Ave. Farina, IL 62838

Directions: In Farina IL go east on 650th Ave 2.5 miles


Internet or bidding problems call the auction company immediately!!!!!

AGE REQUIREMENT: All bidders must be at least 18 years of age to purchase. Zero buyer premium on toys.

Every 20 Seconds an item will begin to close. When there is a bid on an item it will extend for 2 minutes.

Bid Increments: $1.00 to $100.00 is 1$. $101 to $1000.00 is $10. $1001.00 to $10,000.00 is $25.00. $10,001 and up is $100.00 Example on bidding. If a person puts a bid of $100.00 and the 2nd place bidder places a bid of $50. It will raise the person with the high bid to $51.00. It will not automatically take a person to the highest bid they have submitted.

Real Estate bid increments are $250.00.  Of a person bids $50,000.00 and the lowest bid below is $24,750 it will put the bidders @ $50,000 at $25,000.00



2862 E. 650th Ave
Farina, Illinois 62838
United States

Pay and load it is Wednesday May 29th 1:00PM-5:30PM 2862 E. 650th Ave. Farina, IL 62838

Directions: In Farina IL go east on 650th Ave 2.5 miles